Monday, February 2, 2015

Chapter 4 Reflection

In chapter 4 the SHARE model was discussed.  The book says that this is the thing to follow to be successful. The acronym SHARE stands for Support of the whole child, Hard data, Accountability, Relationship building, Enrichment mind set.

We are trying to support the students. We have 504 and IEPs and tutoring.  We have Hard data, we just have to learn how to use it and disseminate it to all.  Accountability is a tough one. We as a District or state cant blame. We just have to find ways to help and I think that’s what we are doing now. We did and activity in our district that shows us something about our relationships between staff and students. The biggest problem is defining relationship.  I think the mentoring gourps help us do all of the things we want to do with this. It will enrich us and our students.